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Concert Bossa Nova - Brasil Jazz for the exhibition “Brasil! Brazil! Departure into modernity"

Con­cert Bos­sa No­va - Bra­sil Jazz for the ex­hi­bi­ti­on “Bra­sil! Bra­zil! De­par­tu­re in­to mo­der­ni­ty"

Saturday, 21. September 2024

Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

  • Sounds

Saturday, September 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m

Jenny Chi & ChiBossa
Jenny Chi, vocals; André Siqueira, guitar; Michael Zisman, bandoneon; Annapaola Zisman-Jacomella, cello; Floriano Inacio Junior, piano; Ralph Sonderegger, double bass; Mauro Martins, drums, percussion

The bossa nova singer Jenny Chi takes us to Rio de Janeiro in the late 1950s with her music. Together with long-time musical companions such as the virtuoso guitarist André Siqueira from Rio and the well-known Bernese bandoneonist Michael Zisman, this evening she presents pearls from the large pool of old bossa nova classics as well as her own compositions from her last album Nosso Mar.

The exhibition Brasil! Brazil! Awakening into modernity shows various ways in which Brazilian artists developed their own modern visual languages. It presents ten artists and an introduction to formative political and economic events as well as milestones in the country's literature, music, design and architecture.

CHF 40 (standard category) / CHF 25 (students and trainees) / CHF 15 (children and young people up to 16 years)

Advance sales: T 0900 585 887 (CHF 1.20/min.)


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