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Lukas Hoffmann – street pictures

Kunsthalle Luzern, Luzern

Lu­kas Hoff­mann – street pic­tu­res

Sa. 6. April - Su. 2. June 2024

The photographic compositions focus on the unseen of everyday life and human existence, without giving any concrete references to locations, temporalities or personalities.

The photographic works of the Zug artist Lukas Hofmann, who lives and works in Berlin, have so far been exhibited primarily in French-speaking areas. He uses the opportunity of the fully glazed rooms of the Kunsthalle Lucerne to present his highly acclaimed, self-contained series of works "Street Pictures", which were created between 2018 and 2021 and have now been completed - also with the book publication of the same name from 2023.

The photographic compositions focus on the unseen of everyday life and human existence, without giving any concrete references to locations, temporalities or personalities. With great formal, aesthetic and technical precision, Lukas Hoffmann creates minimalist images from an intuitive moment.


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