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Terms of use


Hinto events contributions and contents are deleted without comment deleted, if these against valid right (in particular copyright, personal rights of third parties), racist, violent, sexist, pornographic, offensive, obscene, threatening, discriminatory or defamatory or insulting statements, or links to websites with or contain links to websites with content of this kind, are for advertising or other commercial purposes, or are identified as spam. identified as spam.

When uploading images, photos or videos, users agree to the following videos, users agree to the following specific terms of use terms of use: I confirm that I have all the necessary all rights necessary for the use of the material and that for this use, and that I can dispose of these rights. I am in particular, that filming from television or computer screens, magazines computer screen, magazines, newspapers, photographs, etc., as well as the use of music use of music that I did not compose, record or play myself, may and recorded by myself, affect the rights of third parties and require their require their permission. Furthermore, I confirm that by publishing the music no personal rights are violated by the publication and that recognizably depicted persons are in agreement with the publication of the pictures and videos. are in agreement. My uploaded material does not contain any inadmissible content. In particular commercial contents (e.g. advertisement or offering of goods and services) are of goods and services) is not allowed. Only contents (articles, pictures, photos, videos) with direct reference to Hinto may be used. be used. Only photos and videos may be posted which are obviously in agreement with the persons depicted.

Only photos and videos may be posted. have been made.


The organizers bear the event costs.


The Organizers themselves have the necessary insurances, which cover possible cases of damage outside the private liability of the participants. of the participants.


Hinto assumes no responsibility for any actions on the part of the participants that lead to personal injury and/or property damage. damage to property. Furthermore we exclude any liability in case of Loss and/or misuse of (stolen) data, any kind of external influence, as well as technical inadequacies such as the total or partial total or partial failure of the offers in connection with In case of non-compliance we reserve the right to take legal or organisational organizational consequences.