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Close Encounters Theatre: Show | Rocket Sugar Factory

Clo­se En­coun­ters Thea­t­re: Show | Ro­cket Su­gar Fac­to­ry

Vendredi, 21. Juin 2024

Millers, Zürich

Jacob Banigan and Jim Libby play original formats, drawing on their vast experience in long and short-form impro to challenge the players and create engaging theater.

Rocket Sugar Factory is a Canadian/American Super Duo that delivers fast, sweet impro theater across Europe. Jacob Banigan and Jim Libby play original formats, drawing on their vast experience in long and short-form impro to challenge the players and create engaging theater. Jim and/or Jacob have taken first place in many, many impro competitions, among them the Berlin Impro Cup, Munich Impro Cup, Atlanta World Domination, FIFA Theatresports World Cup, and the Austrian National Championships.


Informations sur l'événement

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