
Velo-city 2024 (en)

Ve­lo-ci­ty 2024 (en)

Di. 18. Juni - Fr. 21. Juni 2024

  • Bildung
  • Mobilität

Velo-city is where advocates, cities, policy makers, researchers and industry leaders meet to shape the future of cycling and sustainable urban development.

Boasting an unrivalled 4-day programme with 80+ sessions on all things active mobility, sustainable urban planning, cycling economics, industry, political action and cycling activism, Velo-city 2024 in Ghent (Belgium) strives to push cycling higher up the political agenda. The conference takes place around the dynamic Velo-city exhibition that serves to showcase the latest innovations for a better cycling experience in cities and beyond.

Main theme

Connection is everything. One place with another, one city with its region, one river bank with the other side. People with people.

The bicycle is the ideal mode of connection! It connects places, it connects people and it can connect different modes of transport and sectors.

Low-tech, low-cost, easy, sustainable and in constant connection with other cyclists and the environment. Let’s use the bicycle to reconnect.


Connecting people and communities Connecting regions, cities and neighbourhoods Connecting cycling with other modes Connecting industries and sectors


Informationen zur Veranstaltung


Alle aktuellen sowie zusätzliche Informationen zur Veranstaltung findest du auf der Webseite des Veranstalters. Plötzliche Änderungen werden ausschliesslich auf der Webseite des Veranstalters angezeigt.
