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Bastian Maria - thumbs up

Bas­ti­an Ma­ria - thumbs up

Tuesday, 24. September 2024

Kinotheater Madlen*, Heerbrugg


Thumbs Up is a 120 minute live lecture by Bastian Maria about a slightly different adventure trip during the pandemic. A report about challenges, changes in plans and special encounters with people from foreign cultures.

In his multi-vision lecture, Bastian Maria lets us share personal impressions of his 1.5 year trip around the world with pictures, videos and stories. Bastian takes you on a journey and reports, among other things, about working as a volunteer on a horse ranch in Capadocia, how he and Viviane met traditional eagle hunters in Kyrgyzstan and why both were arrested by the Pakistani police in Multan. Find out which situations often pushed Bastian and Viviane to the limits of their personal comfort zone as hitchhikers and couch surfers in countries like Turkey, Uzbekistan or Sri Lanka.

With 15 years of experience in individual backpacking, Viviane and Bastian were not only able to experience unforgettable moments, but also get to know the life of a digital nomad. With the motto “Traveling is the best way to spend money and still get richer,” Bastian shares in the “Thumbs Up” lecture how it was possible to travel the world on €3 a day.

How did your destination change during the trip? Bastian and Viviane had to leave the actual route several times. Paths opened up that were not previously planned. They started indefinitely, but after 1.5 years there was a reason to interrupt the journey. Find out what motivated Bastian and Viviane to return home. A description of coming home, how home was felt after the trip and whether views on certain things have changed. A report on moving the finish line.

Look forward to a live lecture with a lot of personality and the courage to try new things...


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
