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Martina Morger – Bella Bells

Mar­ti­na Mor­ger – Bel­la Bells

Sa. 23. March - Sa. 25. May 2024

Unused, tired, discarded, slumbering, waiting - a collection of golden bells lies shimmering on the floor of the original St. John's Church.

Unused, tired, discarded, slumbering, waiting - a collection of golden bells lies shimmering on the floor of the original St. John's Church. As an echo of memory, bell tones can be heard sporadically, which the artist Martina Morger collages with a scent composition. Vernissage Friday, March 22, 2024, 8 p.m

Arno Egger, curator and Roland Scotti, art historian will speak.

If you want, you can come to the prologue at the Katzenturm at 7:45 p.m., where the largest bell in Vorarlberg will ring on the occasion of our exhibition. From there it's a five-minute walk to the Johanniterkirche.

Exhibition duration March 23 – May 25, 2024

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