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Stephan Schulz - Corsica, the mountains in the sea

Ste­phan Schulz - Cor­si­ca, the moun­ta­ins in the sea

Monday, 25. November 2024

Kinotheater Madlen*, Heerbrugg

As the most mountainous island in the Mediterranean, Corsica combines an incredibly diverse world of experiences in a small area. The happily recurring question about where to go on holiday generally requires a fundamental decision: should we go to the mountains or to the sea? People who are indecisive tend to choose a "both/and" solution and as a result often find themselves in Corsica. Hiking, diving, climbing, canyoning or extensive mountain tours - it's practically never boring in Corsica.

3D photographer Stephan Schulz spent many months on this dream island during several extended trips, which he also photographed from the air. He was thrilled by the wild coasts and dreamy bays, in whose turquoise waters he dived with huge groupers. He slid down fantastic natural slides between the jagged Bavella towers into the crystal-clear pools of the Corsican mountain rivers and rode his mountain bike through maquis and coastal deserts. The highlight, however, was during his 16-day crossing of the imposing Corsican mountains on the GR20, Europe's most breathtaking long-distance hiking trail. In the most exciting time for this tour, in spring, he also managed to climb peaks such as Monte Cinto and Monte Renoso.

During his travels, he was also repeatedly impressed by the proud Corsicans in their defiant mountain villages with their very own language and identity. He went wild boar hunting with daring men, accompanied a mobile butcher's shop to the lonely villages of Castagniccia, documented the work of a goatherd on a mountain pasture and visited a perfumer who creates beguiling essences from the fragrant macchia herbs. And he also sheds light on the not always easy relationship between Corsicans and French people.

Experience photos and film sequences in brilliant digital 3D projection - a vivid visual experience that is unique in the German-speaking world in the field of live reporting!



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