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Zurich Philosophy Festival - Great freedom or great stupidity? The unconditional basic income

Zu­rich Phi­lo­so­phy Fes­ti­val - Gre­at free­dom or gre­at stu­pi­di­ty? The un­con­di­tio­nal ba­sic in­co­me

Saturday, 14. January 2023

Millers, Zürich

With: Monika Bütler, Philip Kovce. Moderation: Yves BossartA young bon vivant receives the same amount of money as a mother who cares for her disabled children? For the economist Monika Bütler, the unconditional basic income is a fraudulent label. For the philosopher Philip Kovce, however, it is a means against exploitation and the prerequisite for a humane existence. Yves Bossart stands in between as an arbitrator and examines with his guests the question of whether the basic income brings more justice and freedom or leads to a financial debacle that promotes laziness. Monika Bütler is an economist and honorary professor at the University of St. Gallen. She first studied mathematics and physics, but then turned to economics because she wanted to get more involved in socio-political issues. She was a board member of the Swiss National Bank and is considered one of the most influential economists in Switzerland. She has launched a blog,, where economics professors comment on current topics in a generally understandable way.Philip Kovce is an author, economist and philosopher. He is currently researching at the University of Freiburg i. B. and at the Philosophicum in Basel and writes regularly for radio and press. His texts appeared in, among others, the Zeit, the NZZ and the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Together with Daniel Häni he wrote a manifesto that introduces unconditional basic income with 95 theses, and with Birger P. Priddat he published a basic volume that brings together the most important texts on basic income. Yves Bossart has a doctorate in philosophy and is the presenter of the programs “Sternstunde Philosophy” and “Focus” at SRF. Gaining understanding and not losing humor are his core philosophical concerns. That's why he wrote the philosophy introduction "Without today there would be no yesterday tomorrow" and has just published a short philosophy of humor with "Laughing anyway". Children: How do we share fairly? Moderation: Ana Laura Edelhoff 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Café KornsiloIt's logical. With: Christoph C. Pfisterer 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., HalleI've had enough! Happiness in frugality With: Peter WidmerModeration: Barbara Bleisch 6 to 6.30 p.m., Café KornsiloEthically speaking, “Healthy is” With: Holger Baumann 7 to 7.30 pm, Café KornsiloChair of “Historical Injustice” With: Jennifer M. Page 8 to 8.30 p.m., Café KornsiloEthically considered «Nightmare in Appenzell» With: Philipp Reichling 8 to 9.30 pm, HalleEros Makes it Easy. The Idea of Erotic Capital With: Catherine HakimHost: Catherine Newmark21 to 9.30 p.m., Café KornsiloChair «License to Kill» With: Regina Surber


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