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All You CanNOT Eat. Fake Food auf Stoff

All You Can­NOT Eat. Fake Food auf Stoff

Fr. 12. April - Su. 13. October 2024

Textilmuseum, St. Gallen

All You CanNOT Eat examines table culture with regard to fake food in an exhibition and a series of events. Prints and imitations of consumables in fashion are also examined.

The exhibition All You CanNOT Eat. Fake Food on Fabric is modeled after a restaurant that doesn't offer anything eatable or drinkable.

Based on the collection of the St. Gallen Textile Museum, the tables of various guests are set with exhibits depicting food. Different eras, social classes and tastes meet and relate to each other.

Human food consumption is a fleeting moment. People have to consume food and drink before it spoils and rots. In the act of consumption, what has been eaten and drunk leaves the social framework. In order to alleviate and prevent this “disappearance”, edible items are depicted and thus recorded.

All You CanNOT Eat examines table culture with regard to fake food in an exhibition and a series of events. Prints and imitations of consumables in fashion are also examined.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
