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Arte: Our continents

Ar­te: Our con­ti­nents

Thursday, 28. March 2024

South America (2022, D, Peggy Brunache, Manuel Choqque, Renato Jose de Araujo Vaz Curado, Marco Antonio da Silva Junior, Lewis Dartnell, Mara Rosa dos Reis, Fabian Drenkhan, Silvana Figueroa-Dreher, Milena Cristine Fortunado da Silva, Victoria Cristine Fortunato Marques, Catherine Josephine, Anna Landherr, Mojib Latif, Nilton Montoya, Clara Philibert, Eduardo Possidonio, Sigrun Laste, Friederike Schmidt-Vogt)

The emergence of the Central American land bridge profoundly changed South America. Animals crossed them and conquered the continent. People followed later: on the dry western side of the Andes, in 2000 BC. The first advanced civilization thanks to efficient irrigation techniques, and in the highlands of Peru, the world's only tropical ice field became a key factor in the rise of the Inca culture.


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