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Café Philo(u): Childlessness, lack of desire for children, wishful thinking about having children

Ca­fé Phi­lo(u): Child­less­ness, lack of de­si­re for child­ren, wish­ful thin­king about ha­ving child­ren

Friday, 31. May 2024

"It's completely normal to have children." Or is it?

For a long time, the fulfillment of a desire to have children depended almost exclusively on finding suitable partners who were fertile. It was assumed that everyone wanted children. In recent decades, this assumption has been shaken. This can be seen, for example, in the decline in the birth rate in industrialized countries. Recently, child freedom has also been discussed more and more in public - a topic that does not only affect heterosexual women.

"Don't you mean childlessness?"

Exactly, in this conversation we will find out what the difference is together with Nadine Gloor and Domenica Hitz. "Child freedom" or "childlessness" - to what extent is this more than just quibbling over words? What does it mean to be child-free in modern Switzerland? And what wishes, (value) ideas and expectations are associated with having children or not?

People involved:
Nadine Gloor - co-founder and co-author of the blog
Domenica Hitz - managing director of the Effinger Kaffeebar
Andreas Heise - philosopher and librarian, moderator of Café Philo(u)
Lan Tran - conceptual collaboration Café Philo(u)

Entry: CHF 20 / CHF 10 (reduced)


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