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Ensemble concerts by the Swiss Jazz School

En­sem­ble con­certs by the Swiss Jazz School

Tuesday, 25. June 2024

Heitere Fahne, Wabern

  • Sounds

Simply put: The Swiss Jazz School plays concerts.

The ensemble members of the Swiss Jazz School provide insight into the work of the semester that is coming to an end. The ensembles coached by teachers of the Swiss Jazz School deal with various styles of jazz and its peripherals as well as with certain aspects of interaction and improvisation. The result is an exciting program that consists of various facets of jazz as well as peripheral styles such as soul, funk and Latin.

6 p.m. – Bar service & Pizza

6.45 p.m. – Concerts


Culture on collection!

Whoever has more gives more. Those who have little give little. If you can't pay, you can still get in. A target price as an orientation will be communicated at the event. Free entry for everyone with a culture GA ticket.

Information about the event

Heads Up!

All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.