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including the circus

in­clu­ding the cir­cus

Saturday, 25. May 2024

filacro, Nänikon

  • Stage

An open, inclusive circus training for children and young people with cognitive impairments.

As part of the National Action Days for Disabled People's Rights May 15 to June 15, 2024: "circus inclusive" is an open and inclusive circus training for children and young people with a cognitive impairment in cooperation with filacro circusschule and insieme Zürcher Oberland. "With Circus we get to know our bodies. We are at home in our bodies - and we get to know ourselves. We can grow with each other as a community. Together we want to develop the art of circus to build a more diverse future, one that... reflects the world as it really is." “Circus inclusive” means being open in all matters. In inclusive circus, the trainers often learn as much as the participants. People with cognitive impairment live through barriers every day and are therefore experts when it comes to their minds and bodies. Continuous mutual learning promotes the willingness to be open to their know-how, to respond to proposed solutions, to reflect on both successes and challenges. Together, juggle, dance, play, climb, jump, balance, wrap yourself in cloths, hang on the trapeze and rings, spin, jump, improvise, have fun and learn.

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