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Ka Moser – Rhythms of Color

Ka Mo­ser – Rhyth­ms of Co­lor

Friday, 10. May 2024

Kunstraum Bern Bümpliz, Bümpliz

  • Exhibition

The exhibition «Rhythms of Color» brings together works by Ka Moser (1937 - 2023) from the artist's estate, which has been looked after by the ART estate foundation for artists since 2023.

Since the 80s, Ka Moser has moved between musical performance, painting and digital imagery. Transformations from one medium to another were fundamental to their way of working. Moser painted colors through the filter of her acoustic inspiration and used a geometric grid structure that was derived from both painterly and musical spaces of experience.

The lasting reference point of her artistic work remained the color poem “FG”, which was created spontaneously during a concert performance in 1983. Starting from her intensive preoccupation with small-scale color fields in oil, acrylic or watercolor, which evoke large-scale, dizzying patterns through reflections and combinations, she began creating the motifs on the computer in the late 1990s to edit. With the opening to new visual fields of experience in the world of algorithms, the strict formal principle of her composition loosened: the color fields seem to have started to move.

The exhibition sees itself as a journey of discovery into Ka Moser's precisely choreographed world of colors, which is able to set us in motion with its oscillating visual experience. With performances by Chantal Michel, Tim Heiniger, Mascha Kiener, Anna Huber and U06 (Beat Feller and Daniel Widmer).

The exhibition was curated by Mathias Kobel and Dominik Tomasik.


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