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LA 1: Modem - The other front

LA 1: Mo­dem - The other front

Friday, 29. March 2024


Tensions are rising again along the border between Lebanon and Israel. A conflict so far of "low intensity", which in recent hours has experienced a surge with continuous rocket launches on both sides of the front. It is no coincidence that just yesterday, in the rhetoric that characterizes it, the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah once again made itself heard, saying it was ready to "defend Lebanon and support Gaza" promising to respond "quickly and decisively to every Israeli attack". So what is happening along this front? Is there really a risk that the war between Israel and Hamas, which broke out six months ago, could spread to the entire region? And what is the role of Iran, Israel's greatest enemy in the region and financier of Hezbollah, in these tensions? Questions that will also lead us to look at the humanitarian crisis that is increasingly affecting the population of Gaza and the recent resolution of the United Nations Security Council calling for an immediate ceasefire. Topics we will address with: Greta Cristini, geopolitical analyst and reporter; Michele Giorgio, RSI collaborator in Jerusalem; Lorenzo Trombetta, RSI collaborator from Lebanon. Modem on Rete Uno at 8.30am, repeated on Rete Due at 6.30pm. You can also find us on the Podcast and on the apps: RSI and RSIPlay.


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