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Matto Kämpf Posthumously I was better

Mat­to Kämpf Post­hu­mous­ly I was bet­ter

Friday, 7. June 2024

La Cappella, Bern

  • Stage

Matto Kämpf tells
his first thirty years.

in Thun, rearing in Steffisburg, youth in Café Mokka, moving to Bern,
Student life, first cultural attempts – all the misery.

Kämpf tries to explain himself. Using image and sound documents
he takes us to the 70s in Steffisburg, the 80s in Thun and the
90s in Bern. There he sought connection to the art scene and first
tried things. There are some that are extremely interesting from a cultural and historical perspective
Artifacts such as short films, video clips, band recordings, song lyrics, theater videos
etc. Fight tries, which unfortunately neither speaks for itself nor itself
to bring us closer to self-explanatory products, or rather to be responsible for them

The program is too
a rare opportunity to see Kämpf’s sex film “Loosli” (again).
Once posted on YouTube, he received a hot email from Los Angeles (sender: ), stating that the film would be removed immediately and if he
If he uploads such a mess again, his account will become lifelong
blocked. The email ended with the note that the place of jurisdiction was Los Angeles.

After Matto Kämpf became a la cappella artist
2023 celebrated his birthday last June with an autobiographical one
After celebrating in the evening, he noticed that he was only there until confirmation
came. This literally screams for a sequel...

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