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Mother's Day Brunch - vegetarian and vegan

Mo­ther's Day Brunch - ve­ge­ta­ri­an and ve­gan

Sunday, 12. May 2024

Wirkstatt Auboden, Brunnadern

Brunch buffet at your discretion for the whole family and other culinary highlights from our permaculture garden and the Wirkstatt kitchen.

Immerse yourself in the abundance of nature and let yourself be enchanted by the fresh aromas and flavors of our homemade delicacies. Look forward to a colorful selection of seasonal vegetables, fragrant herbs and fine fruits that have been grown with love and care in the permaculture garden. Food connects and we would like to use this opportunity to create a broad community. Just be curious about new taste experiences, our brunch offers something for everyone and is something very special. Program: 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Large vegetarian & vegan brunch buffet à discretion with products from the permaculture garden and regional partners. At 12 p.m. there will be a guided tour of the floor for those interested. On a walk through buildings, gardens and squares we explain our philosophy of internal and external ecology.


Information about the event

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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
