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National Disability Rights Action Days

Na­tio­nal Disa­bi­li­ty Rights Ac­tion Days

Friday, 17. May 2024

Augusta Raurica, Augst

People with disabilities in the primary labor market? They represent great potential! This workshop shows how this potential can be used even better.

The UN calls for equality and full inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of life. This also includes the labor market. With a location assessment from Sensability and Impulse, employers can check their company for accessibility. The first location determination takes place in Augusta Raurica. Interested people from administrations and companies can take part. Participants are sensitized with practical exercises, checklists and an exchange of experiences. You will learn about the requirements for barrier-free workplaces and an inclusive company culture. Together they develop initial concrete approaches for action. This allows them to create inclusive jobs.

Information about the event

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