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Nickelodeon / CC: Big Time Rush

Ni­cke­lo­de­on / CC: Big Ti­me Rush

Monday, 29. April 2024

Big Time - Girl Group (2011, USA, Kendall Schmidt, James Maslow, Carlos PenaVega, Logan Henderson, Ciara Bravo, Tanya Chisholm, Stephen Kramer Glickman, Challen Cates, Cymphonique Miller, Andrew Bowen, Tucker Albrizzi, Fred Tallaksen, Daran Norris, Cristal Guel, Danielle Bessler, Alyssa Preston, Marisa Chen Moller, Bob Bledsoe, Jamie Hoggson, Ricardo Martinez, Sarah Pierce, Dana L. Wilson, Marypat Farrell, Jordan Van Vranken, Jonathan A. Rosenbaum, Jonathan Judge, Savage Steve Holland)

While searching for talent, a music manager in Minnesota comes across 16-year-old Kendall Knight. He lures him to Hollywood with a lucrative offer. Kendall insists that his three best friends come along. So he sets off with James, Carlos and Logan towards the west coast, where they learn to make it in the music business with all its temptations and intrigues.


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