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Panel event: Comics - from analog to digital

Pa­nel event: Co­mics - from ana­log to di­gi­tal

Friday, 24. May 2024

Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, Aarau

A didactician, a comic artist from Aargau and a publishing director talk about the digital transformation of this unique medium.

Comics are an established art form. Their expressiveness is unique and makes it possible to convey complex or difficult content. Well-known representatives of the genre are also well-known in Aargau. A didactician, an Aargau comic artist and a publishing director will talk about the digital transformation of this unique medium. The first part of the event will be introduced by Jürg Fritzsche, former rector of the Aargau School of Design. The educational character and the change in the drawing and design of comics and graphic novels will then be addressed in three short presentations. Prof. Dr. Peter Gautschi (PH Lucerne, history didactics) will speak about "Comics as an independent art in communication and added value", Julia Marti (Edition Moderne, co-publisher) about "Book design of graphic novels" and Wanda Dufner (graphic novel artist from Aargau) about "Digital drawing and storytelling". All three participants will discuss the digital transformation of this art form on the panel. The starting point of the conversation is Wanda Dufner's input speech, in which she presents, among other things, her autobiographical graphic novel, which will be published by Edition Moderne in 2025. The panel will be moderated by Markus Kirchhofer, an Aargau writer and long-time companion of the comic artist Reto Gloor.


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