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Quarter before Fritig: Galvanic Trio Infernale

Quar­ter be­fo­re Fri­tig: Gal­va­nic Trio In­fer­na­le

Thursday, 28. March 2024

Galvanik, Zug

Cocktail bar with music and American hot dogs.

Galvanic Trio Infernale: Members of the Christian Western churches are preparing for tomorrow's Good Friday, everyone else is looking forward to a work-free holiday. Three Bagaluten der Galvanik thought of celebrating exactly this quarter-to-Fritig with the lustful glide into the Easter weekend: DJino: plays rumbly rhythms, oriental melodies and fat beats! From ex-YU to Anatolian rock, Afro and Habibi funk, reggae to CH indie, everything is possible. For him there are only two criteria: it has to be colorful and danceable. DJ Rastapopoulos: is a record producer of the ancient school, loves vinyl, but also throws in files here and there. He appreciates Balkan, Oriental and Arab sounds as well as alternative noise, punk, all kinds of waves and sonorous experiments. Mr. Zalööö: is able to mix everything together to make something tasty. At least at the bar. Whether this is the case musically, we might find out on this occasion. Quarter before Fritig: Whether you simply enjoy a beer after work or take the opportunity to revive the long-forgotten world of cocktails - Quarter before Fritig offers everything that is rarely found anywhere else and creates a cozy bar atmosphere and delicious American hot dogs as the weekend approaches. Every Thursday at the Galvanik Zug it's quarter before Fritig!


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