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RTL II: X-Factor: The Unbelievable

RTL II: X-Fac­tor: The Un­be­lieva­ble

Sunday, 26. May 2024

I see dead people! | Wheel of Fortune | The Phrenologist's Head | The Bridge in the Woods | The Cigar Box (2002, USA, Jonathan Frakes, Rhonda Dent, Philip Granger, Stephen Park, Maggie Blue O'Hara, Robin Massley, Andrew Laurenson, Irene Karas Loeper, Tony Randel, Rachel Feldman, Jonathan Frakes)

The scientist Albert Wainright is obsessed with the idea of capturing the spirits of the dead on celluloid. At one point, two shadowy figures do indeed appear in front of the lens of his special camera. Jimmy Welch is addicted to gambling. One evening he has a strange streak of luck and believes he can influence the course of the roulette ball through sheer willpower.


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