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SAT 1: The coastal area

SAT 1: The co­as­tal area

Thursday, 28. March 2024

The Mother-in-Law Trauma (2024, D, Till Demtrøder, Vanessa Eckart, Manuel Santos Gelke, Joana Rueffer, Nicola Ransom, Nouri Chamari, Anna Amalie Blomeyer, Bianca Karsten, Tia Hyun)

Nele wants to find more about herself again and pay off Natalie's contractual penalty. She is therefore planning to leave Küstritz for an indefinite period of time. But saying goodbye is difficult for her and shortly before departure she meets the person who means the most to her again. Police Director Thomsen is on the bloody trail of a supposedly dream-dancing perpetrator and cannot believe what really happened on the terrible night.


Information about the event

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