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SRF info: Einstein

SRF in­fo: Ein­stein

Monday, 20. May 2024

Landslide Brienz GR – Is new misfortune looming after the great fortune? (2024, Switzerland, Tobias Müller)

A year ago, Brienz GR was evacuated. Media from all over the world reported on it. 23 days later, the landslide missed the village by just a few meters. Brienz GR made headlines once again. But then the mountain village went quiet. Brienz GR itself did not find peace. Quite the opposite.

The great luck
It was only in the last few months that researchers were able to reconstruct why Brienz GR had to be lucky in multiple ways to avoid being buried. If the landslide had happened in winter, for example, the consequences would have been devastating. The luck also shows how fragile the situation is. It doesn't take much for Brienz GR to have to fear natural hazards again. And that's exactly what happened.

Too much snow and rain
An above-average wet autumn and a snowy winter have once again brought unpredictable dangers to Brienz GR. From August onwards, it rained and snowed more than twice as much as the monthly average. And that had consequences. To understand this, you need to know the following: Brienz GR has been sliding downhill faster and faster for 25 years. The reason is high water pressure in the ground beneath the village plateau. If the village slides away below, the mountain above loses its grip. The rainfall has increased the water pressure to such an extent that the village is now sliding faster than ever. And with it the mountain.

The new danger
New areas of the mountain are now at risk of falling. The forecasts are not yet dramatic. But it is difficult to assess what the danger will be in 10 years. Because the faster the movements, the faster dangers can arise. One fear: a new landslide could even endanger the neighboring town of Vazerol.

The tunnel of hope
But those responsible still believe that a drainage tunnel will save the situation. The test tunnel, which initially calmed the village and the mountain, will be expanded to a length of 2.5 kilometers by 2026. The route was even slightly adjusted because geologists discovered a kind of water basin behind the village that they want to empty as quickly as possible. Will the race against time succeed?


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