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SRF info: Financial review

SRF in­fo: Fi­nan­ci­al re­view

Wednesday, 8. May 2024

Unequal opportunities at Swiss – only certain customers get money (2024, Switzerland, André Ruch)

Unequal playing field at Swiss - only certain customers get money
Swiss does not treat all customers equally. "Kassensturz" shows that Swiss customer service often initially rejects justified claims from passengers. Compensation is only paid when those affected know how to defend themselves.

Cheap drones put to the test - young people fly for "Kassensturz"
As part of the youth media week "YouNews", five young people from Wädenswil ZH are aiming high: for "Kassensturz" they are subjecting various flying drones to an endurance test. One selection criterion: the devices must fit into the youth budget. The young people themselves will announce the test winners live in the "Kassensturz" studio.

50 years of "Kassensturz" - In action against animal cruelty
The series "50 years of Kassensturz" shows defining themes of the consumer program from five decades. A dark chapter: animals that have to suffer for our consumption because their fur is made into clothes, because they are bred for food production or because they are currently fashionable as pets.


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