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SRF two: The Mechanic 2: Resurrection

SRF two: The Me­cha­nic 2: Re­sur­rec­tion

Su. 19. May - Mo. 20. May 2024

2016, France/USA, Jason Statham, Jessica Alba, Tommy Lee Jones, Michelle Yeoh, Sam Hazeldine, Dennis Gansel, Philip Shelby, Tony Mosher, Rachel Long, Brian Pittman, Mark Isham, Daniel Gottschalk

Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) has left his job as a killer and gone into hiding in Brazil. But he doesn't stay unrecognized for long. A young woman with numerous thugs in tow brings him a message: he is to eliminate three enemies for his arch enemy Crain (Sam Hazeldine). Bishop refuses, which leads to a violent fight. Bishop manages to escape, but his cover is blown.

In Thailand he stays with his old friend Mei (Michelle Yeoh) and meets and falls in love with the pretty Gina (Jessica Alba). Crain's plan works: he had blackmailed Gina to serve as decoy, and now he has her kidnapped. He has the enamored Bishop in his hands and now sets his conditions. Bishop is to commit three almost impossible contract killings around the world and make them look like accidents.


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