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Steff la Cheffe welcomes Milena Patagonia – POSTPONED to 2022 Carte blanche for the boss

Steff la Chef­fe wel­co­mes Mi­le­na Pa­ta­go­nia – POST­PO­NED to 2022 Car­te blan­che for the boss

Tuesday, 7. December 2021

La Cappella, Bern

  • Sounds
  • Stage

Give a boss a carte blanche... and she turns it into a menu card, an invitation card and a map through the soul landscape of her guests. Steff la Cheffe, our Artist of the Year 2021, invites favorite guests - and you can be part of it!

The manager invites one musician per evening and pampers her guest to the letter and she is also happy to do so privately. Of course, this includes an aperitif with the obligatory small talk about the current state of mind and the status of any artistic projects and plans of the guest, a culinary component, the favorite record and a beloved book or poem, which is then gladly discussed. She is supported by Benjamin Noti from Basel, who is part of her producer team and accompanies her on tour on the guitar.

The incorruptible woman Dr. shinmadr becomes

if necessary, take over the thread of the conversation with a scalpel-sharp tongue

and ensure order, should the boss in monologues about

lose metaphysics.

· The daring Droujelub Yanakiev made the first

Violinist, conductor and rock star of the classical music scene in Bern. He turns himself in

generously available as guinea pigs to the
To prove or disprove the feasibility of this experiment (14.

· On the second evening, Steff welcomed the legendary rake, poet, mastermind and soul of Stiller Has: Endo Anaconda (October 19).

· On the third evening, the enchanting and outrageously talented Valaisan Stefanie Heinzmann is a guest (December 7th).


After a long break, the row will be in the second

Half of the year continued, among other things, two Bernese then meet

Maichi on top of each other:
Steff la Cheffe and the versatile and likeable Milena Patagonia, producer, lyricist and performer in a class of its own.


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All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.


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