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Super RTL: Rubble & Crew

Su­per RTL: Rub­b­le & Crew

Wednesday, 8. May 2024

The crew builds a zip line (2023, CDN, Luxton Handspiker, Liam McKenna, Alessandro Pugiotto, Shazdeh Kapadia, Alberta Bolan, Sabrina Jalees, Martin Roach, Cory Doran, Leslie Adlam, Basso Dianna, Joey So)

The burrowing dogs learn a lot about nature from park ranger Rose and meet Knabbi the beaver, who joins them. When Knabbi destroys the suspension bridge, the dogs have to build a zip line to cross the gorge and bring Knabbi home. With the help of Aunt Crane and a transport box, they finally manage to get everyone safely to the other side.


Information about the event

Heads Up!

All current and additional information about the event can be found on the website of the organizer. Sudden changes will only be displayed on the website of the organizer.
